Loren McDonald, VP Industry Relations at Silverpop
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Loren McDonald

VP Industry Relations

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Main Day One: Omni-channel And Digital Strategies To Grow Your Bottom Line

Thursday, June 2nd, 2016

10:45 Keynote: Email & Mobile: Takeaways From The Holidays And Tips For Improving In 2015

As mobile devices -- including both smartphones and tablets -- continue to grow in sophistication, they increasingly become a central part of consumers' daily routines. In fact, checking email remains one of the most common uses of mobile devices, with nearly 50 percent of opens occurring on a smartphone or tablet (Litmus).

So, you know many of your customers are viewing your emails and hitting your website from their smartphones, but how many of them are actually converting? If an individual encounters a poor mobile experience, whether it's a non-mobile friendly email or website or an awkward payment process on a small screen, it's likely the shopper will abandon the effort. So, how can you ensure your mobile-inclined shoppers are getting a seamless experience? Using data collected from the most recent holiday season, Silverpop's Loren McDonald will cover how email can be a critical part in helping remove the friction from smartphone shopping. He will specifically cover:

• Designing emails that eliminate friction and understand the mobile context of mobile shoppers
• Incorporating responsive design techniques
• Adding an email to your onboarding program that encourages customers to register an
account, download your mobile app and/or store payment information
• Adding browse and cart abandonment remarketing emails that are mobile-centric and promote
stored payment options
• Creating educational emails for buyers that keep them interested during the holiday email